Money & Character


“So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?” ‭‭Luke‬ ‭16:11‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Our church is currently doing a series on coming out of finical denial. and Boy oh boy have I learned about the affects of poor money management over the past 9 months as I’ve been unemployed. When  I was employed I barely put money into my savings and although I was frugal and I tithed  the truth is  I wasn’t always careful of how I was spending money and money was just evaporating.

The last thing we need is more money to make mistakes at a greater level -Elder Courtney Harkness

While going through the process of looking for work and not being able to be financially where I want to be  it hit me like a ton of bricks that money won’t solve all your problems especially when you aren’t a good steward of what you currently have. I  have to change the way  I  maintain  God’s resources!

And I say God’s resources because often times  we have this thinking because  something is in our  possession that it is ours but this simply isn’t  true.  Everything that we have belongs to God and we are to  be good stewards of  His resources.

11 Yours is the mighty power and glory and victory and majesty. Everything in the heavens and earth is yours, O Lord, and this is your kingdom. We adore you as being in control of everything. 1 Chronicles 29:11  (TLB)

God won’t bless you with more than your character can handle . – Elder Will Gravely

Yikes! So my character reveals  where my heart and  mind is when it comes to how I maintain the things I currently have and how  much God can trust me with in the future.  Living in discontentment, not appreciating  what I have or living beyond my means doesn’t show God that he can trust me with more. So how do I change this? By asking the Lord to rebuild my character and change my  thinking  so that He can trust me. I’m not asking to be super rich but what I am asking is to have more  discernment   with what  God blesses me with and live within my means.

Love, Lesli

Author: mslesliallyn

I really hate these "About Me" sections I never know quite what to say but here goes...My name is Leii I'm 33 y.o currently living in Atlanta. My vision for this blog is to share my life and story in written form. Life happens and it isn't always easy so let learn together shall we?

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